Mukta Sathe

Mukta Sathe first learned Kathak from Guru Sanjeevani Kulkarni in India, where she later won the national “Swar Sadhana” competition. She joined KDT as a student in 2004, eventually becoming a company member in 2007. Since then, she has danced in countless KDT productions, including The Hungry Stones (2018), Ritu – The Seasons (2018), and Karna – The Abandoned Hero (2013). She has performed at Chicago’s International Kathak Festival and in 2017, she performed in Karna at the prestigious Khajuraho Dance Festival in Madhya Pradesh, India. In addition to studying Kathak with masters like Pandit Birju Maharaj, Ms. Saswati Sen, and Kumudini Lakhia, Mukta has served as a KDT instructor since 2007.